Diaspora Dialogues Mentorship Program 2011

It was only a couple of months ago that I wrote about Keep Toronto Reading – an article that referenced the great influence Diaspora Dialogues had on me. This month, and three years after my first encounter with the organization, Diaspora Dialogues has offered me yet another opportunity: acceptance into their 2011 mentorship program. I’m ecstatic. Mentorship begins this month (perfectly scheduled at the end of my Humber program) and goes until September. At the end of the program, I will have the opportunity to submit my work to TOK for publication, as well as read at a Diaspora Dialogues event (eek! Public speaking!).

Whenever opportunities like this come around – a scholarship, a mentorship, a publication – I am always overjoyed and overwhelmed with the mind-boggling idea that someone else has seen value in my work. In a way, it’s validation for all the long nights and early mornings, and an extra push towards my goal. On top of anything else, I am most appreciative of this – of the extra encouragement and the opportunity to better my craft.

I am so appreciative of this opportunity and excited to start working with my mentor, Olive Senior. My submission, “Next Time,” is a short story pulled from the novel I am currently working on. I am excited to see how it will evolve under scrutiny and guidance.

Thank you, Diaspora Dialogues! Yet again, you’ve made all the difference.

My Internet Highlight of the Week

August 3rd, 2009 marked a memorable occasion: The day Penguin acknowledged me on Twitter. At the time, being acknowledged by Penguin on Twitter was like shaking a celebrity’s hand for me. It gave me a euphoric, giddy high. Over the past couple of years, there have been a few other times where I have had the same exciting feeling of going out in the world and rubbing shoulders with people I admire.

I received a similar thrill a couple of weeks ago when I visited Diaspora Dialogue’s website. I’ve been an avid follower of this Toronto-based arts organization since I happened upon it a couple of years ago. Imagine my surprise when I visited their site and saw they linked to one of my YorkScene articles. I was shocked and giddy. I print-screened it and saved it. It made my day.

How awesome is it to admire an organization for so long, only to find your name on the top of their homepage one day? Very awesome!

To read the YorkScene article, check it out here. The article also appears on Live in Limbo and Nerd Girl Pinups, so if you’re into Ontario talent or like books as much as hot chicks who dig Star Wars, check the article out on those platforms, too!