An Excursion to Pages Bookstore

As my previous post on Live In Limbo indicated, Pages bookstore will be closing their doors on Aug. 30. As a result of the sad news, however, they are holding a sale on everything in the store before its final day. Previously, everything was 25% off, but with the closing date looming, everything is now 30% off the indicated price — even sale items!

For any fellow biliomaniacs out there, check out Pages for some great deals. I visited the store last Friday, and even though some shelves are looking a bit lonely, there are still plenty of great books to be adopted. I uncharacteristically splurged and left the store with a paperback book about interior design, Judas: A Biography by Susan Gubar, The History of Forgetting by Lawrence Raab (absolutely breathtaking read), and The Sound of the Kiss or the Story That Must Never Be Told by Pingali Suranna.

Although part of me feels guilty for spending so much, another part of me feels guilty for leaving all those books behind. There were still plenty of good quality reads in Religious and Cultural Studies (particularly investigations on Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism), and a lot of stuff about Film and Art.

Pick up a book today and hold a bit of Pages history in your hands (I got a Pages bookmark to top it off : )!

Posted in Life, Reading.