Author Archive: miaherrera
LiL Article 8: Gwenhwyfar by Mercedes Lackey
I recently joined Penguin Canada’s Bloggers and Books Network. As a result, I may now receive advanced reading copies and soon-to-be-released books for review. All of my reviews will be posted on As per usual, links will also be posted on and Tweeted on my Twitter account.
Check out my first review on LiL about Mercedes Lackey’s Gwenhwyfar. Let me know what aspects of a book you’d like reviewed and what types of books you’d be most interested in reading – that way I can review books that most appeal to LiL’s (and’s) audience. Feedback is greatly appreciated!
“So Far From Home” International Premiere Recap
On Wednesday I attended the international premiere of “So Far From Home” (directed by Valdimir Kabelik) at the ROM’s Signy & Cléophée Eaton Theatre. The film received an amazing turnout. Appetizers (catered by Daniel & Daniel) were served before the screening, followed by introductions and speeches, the screening itself, and a panel discussion with the film’s five featured journalists afterwards.
“So Far From Home” was created from over three years worth of footage, wherein five exiled journalists’ daily lives were filmed and interspersed with discussions about each individual’s experience. The documentary provided an intimate look into the lives of those who suffer for things we take for granted: freedom of speech, security, and justice.
For those who were unable to catch the screening last night, I strongly recommend watching it this Sunday, September 27 on OMNI at 9pm. “So Far From Home” presents important world issues that aren’t discussed enough in developed countries. Those featured in this film are true fighters who bravely faced torture and death to improve the lot of others. From a position of wealth, comfort and power, we Canadians have to do more to help others living in less fortunate conditions than ourselves.
For those who were able to come out and watch the screening (the proceeds of which went towards CJFE – Canadian Journalists for Free Expression), thank you for your attendance and participation. I hope you enjoyed the show as much as I.
International Premiere of “So Far From Home”
Tomorrow evening (Wed., Sept. 23) I will be attending the international premier of Vladimir Kabelik’s documentary, “So Far From Home” at the Signy & Cléophée Eaton Theatre in the Royal Ontario Museum. “So Far From Home” is “a documentary exploring the challenges and dangers faced by five local reporters working in conflict regions. The film documents the journalists’ experiences and their efforts to come to terms with their past and their struggle to build a future in Canada.”
There will be a reception before the screening and a panel discussion afterwards moderated by CBC Radio’s Anna Maria Tremonti. Director Vladimir Kabelik and several of the journalists featured in the film will be in attendance, including my friend, Aaron Berhane – one of the film’s journalists.
Tickets are $15 at the door, or $10 for advance ticketswhich can be purchased by contacting the CJFE office at (416) 515-9622 x.231 or by emailing: [email protected].
Please feel free to contact the above for more information, or leave a comment below. I would love to see some familiar faces there in support of this truly moving and eye-opening film.
Second Cup Gathering this Sat., Sept. 26
If you’re free this Saturday, September 26 anytime between 2:30-4:30 pm, come and drop by the Second Cup in the Bur Oak plaza (closest to 16th and McCowan) to meet up, hang out, and/or discuss any writing-related matters you may have on your mind.
We had a great turnout and an awesome discussion last time and hope to repeat the experience (except with more people!). There will be a bunch of like-minded and really cool people there, so feel free to drop by, say hi, and see some new faces. We also welcome all interested or curious friends, family members and acquaintances – bring anyone you’d like to join with you in the fun!
If you have any more questions about the time, location, and/or point of this gathering, feel free to message [email protected] for more information.
Hope to see you there!
LiL Article 7: The Lost Symbol’s Reception
Check out my new Live in Limbo article about the differing reactions to Dan Brown’s new book, The Lost Symbol. The article, titled “The Lost Symbol: Not Sign of a Lost Cause“, involved a lot of online research but ultimately ended up as an opinion piece.
If you’re interested in reading an extended version of others’ points of view, check out the various links included in the article or send me a quick comment for an even longer list of different sites.
I hope you enjoy! Feel free to share any of your own opinions regarding Dan Brown’s new book, either on this site or on We’d love to hear your feedback.
Getting a Job
On Tuesday, September 8th, I started working as a Creative Writer for Ganz, Inc. As a Creative Writer, I work with a team of other writers to write creative briefs for online entertainment projects, write website content, work with the Creative Director to develop plans for an overall (top secret, upcoming, and super cool) project, and review and analyze competition to aid in the development of creative projects (Note: Most of this description is copied, pasted and re-worded from the job description available on Currently at work I’m reading up on old research and conducting some of my own – tasks that allow me to re-visit some of my favorite games with a new and critical eye.
I applied for the job mid-August, went for an interview a week later, and was hired a week after that. The job is a full-time, permanent position. I hadn’t mentioned it earlier because I was afraid of jinxing it. Retrospectively evaluating the steps I’ve taken towards this point, I had (and still have) a strong feeling that I’ve been fatalistically led to this position; even the most chance encounters and decisions have added up to form the requirements needed to land this job – a belief that both unnerves and soothes me in turns.
To be honest, I’m still getting adjusted to the schedule. I’m still not used to the 9-5 workday, and the apprehension and excitement of getting a job has put a stopper to my current creative endeavors. I hope to start again soon. Writing is, after all, my number one love.
At the moment, as I’m settling in, I’m going with the flow. Life seems to be directing me somewhere. I guess it’s up to me to find out exactly where I have to go.
P.S. In regards to my work situation, I’d like to thank Johnson, my manager at MGA Entertainment, for being constantly supportive throughout my job search, Sean Chin for being such an awesome person to work with as I write for him on Live in Limbo, and my friends and family who admirably tolerate my dramatics as I stress over school and work.
Dan Brown’s the Lost Symbol

Today, I nabbed the new Dan Brown book from an unnamed bookseller who'd forgotten to observe the much-anticipated novel's release date! I'll let you all know what I think about it via Twitter after I read it.
Writers and Coffee: Second Cup Gathering
Yesterday the former “CMW” stepped outside of the traditional library setting we’ve so accustomed ourselves to and met up at the Second Cup on 16th and McCowan instead. To my delight, we had a great turnout. The gathering was casual as always, yet was made better than ever with the inclusion of Chillattes, Soda Water, Coffees, and Lemon Pie. We discussed our current interests and works in progress, which include poetry, screenplays, short stories, and songs, and also covered the more general conversational topics of back-to-school gossip and metal music. Our group has a comfortable mix of hardcore literature fans, music aficionados, and musicians and on top of that we are all, of course, interested in writing.
From the beginning, meeting up with other writers my age has always been a great pleasure. Despite how busy my schedule gets, how tired or stressed out I am, or even how much I’m not in the mood for a writing session at the moment, as soon as I meet up with everyone else, I feel instantly better. Every person I meet through this makeshift writing group has been a blessing and an inspiration. I always leave feeling rejuvenated and ready to write again. And, even better, is the feeling of joy when realizing that these meetings also inspire others.
We’ll be meeting up on a rather regular, bi-weekly basis around Markham and we’d love to see even more new faces at upcoming gatherings. Please feel free to message me at [email protected] for updates and invites regarding our upcoming gatherings and events.
We’d love to have you there.
Second Cup Gathering this Sunday, Sept. 13
If you’re free this Sunday, September 13 and you’re looking for something to do, drop by the Second Cup in the 16th & McCowan plaza between 1-3pm to meet up, hang out, and/or discuss any writing-related matters you may have on your mind. There’ll be a bunch of like-minded and really cool people there as well. There’s no set meeting time, so feel free to drop by anytime between those couple of hours, even if only for a few moments to say hi.
If you have any questions about the time, location and/or point of this gathering, feel free to message [email protected] for more information.
Hope to see you there!