LiL and Website Work

Check out my latest Live in Limbo article titled “Books for Dads: Bookstore Chains’ Holiday Reads“. I’m a bit hesitant about this article because I was unable to spend much time with it. Its due date arose between family visits, relatives’ birthdays, graduating ceremonies, and fundraising events. As a result, I was unable to really get a feel of the article before submitting it. I know that if I really want to make a living as a writer, I’d have to quickly learn how to write timely articles on a deadline. Because of this, I’m even more glad that I’m part of LiL; it familiarizes me with this aspect of writing. I hope to gradually improve with practice.

On another note, I spent a good few hours transferring my website to a different host (WordPress instead of Blogger). I find WordPress enables me to create different Pages within one Blog site that users can easily navigate through. With Blogger, I had to create completely different blogs and link them together through an HTML sidebar to create the feel of different Blog sections. Please feel free to give me feedback on the website’s change. Suggestions are greatly welcome, as I’ve just recently received my domain name and am still at the very beginning stages of my website construction and career.

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