My Twitter Highlight of the Week (or My Inner Nerd Revealed)

At the risk of revealing exactly how nerdy I really am, I must confess that seeing this on Twitter actually made my day:

Penguin Canada Twitter

For those who know me, they know that I love to read. For those who know me well, they know that I love to read Penguin books.

As a person with self-diagnosed bibliomania, I tend to collect books despite the ill effects collecting may have (say, on my bank account). I especially love collecting Penguin; they have the most comprehensive collector’s sets after all . As a result, I lurk about the Penguin websites, checking out the latest reads, surfing through the Penguin Book Club page, and occasionally even dipping into the “Current Job Opportunities” site to see if there’s any way I can fit into the Penguin team myself.

Imagine my delight upon seeing that I have been tweeted by Penguin Canada! I can’t seem to talk down my giddiness even though I know that social networking sites are made specifically to connect with the general public. This is what it must feel like when your favourite celebrity shakes your hand or, for a closer comparison, when your favourite celebrity acknowledges your tweet and tweets you right back. It’s even more exciting that PenguinCanada’s shout-out to me was Friday’s last tweet… I get to enjoy seeing my name on the top of their site for the entire weekend!

Posted in Life and tagged .


  1. that’s so cool.

    also read up on your writer’s retreat. sounds interesting! is there a list of websites i should keep in mind or do i really need to get a copy of that writer’s market book?

    also, i think u mentioned something about some stories just having to be written. i found that really helpful. i’m reading some poetry guide and am trying to explore poetry as a medium. don’t know if it’s for me, but we’ll see! are there future meetings with the markham group?

    that was a lot. might as well get everything in one go!

    • Hey Jordan,

      Writer’s Retreats are pretty easy to find online through Google though I haven’t yet found a single site that lists as many retreats as Tooze’s book. I’ve personally found writer’s retreats that most interested me through UofT’s “Writing and Rhetoric” program board in Innis College and online through Toronto arts websites like
      I really do recommend the writer’s market book, though – at least the Canadian one. It’s a great investment and provides a lot of invaluable information. They also have a copy of it in Robarts library’s reference section, so you can check it out there before purchasing.

      It’s cool that you’ve found a good poetry guide. Which one are you reading? Does it really help? Poetry is such a difficult form of writing for me to grasp. I never was good with rhythm, rhyme and meter. You, on the other hand, always had awesome poems. I would love to see them sometime if that’s cool with you.

      As for the CMW, I feel like the best thing to do at this point is re-evaluate the group’s goals and functions… especially for things like critiquing and meeting (maybe once a week is too much?). When that is all figured out, we’ll probably start up again. I’ll definitely give you a heads up when that happens. Will you be able to join past this summer?

      Anyways, there is everything in one go as well! It seems I’ve written a post all just for you haha. Hope it was helpful though and hope you’re well. Feel free to contact me for anything.

  2. Pingback: My Internet Highlight of the Week « Mia Herrera

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